Condemned - ...To Suffering - 2006
01. 6 Way Death Traps
02. A.P.A.O
03. Agenda Grinder
04. Alcohol Locos
05. Anger
06. Armed Conflict
07. Autopsy
08. Blow Your Ears
09. Brain Child
10. Criminal or Victim
11. Cruel World
12. Dead Intoxicated
13. Death Comes After You
14. Distorted Thinking
15. Down with the Attitude
16. Drowned in Flames
17. Experimental Abortion
18. Forensic Toxicology
19. G.I.N
20. Globalization Sucks
21. Glory of Blasphemy
22. Garden Spoon
23. Greed Scared World
24. Grind Remains
25. Grindcore
26. Hell Spawn
27. Horrofied
28. L.A.M.B.A.N.O.G
29. Lifted by Hatred
30. Massacre
31. Mid-day Murderer
32. Modus Operandi
33. Monstrous Sexual Predator
34. My Fist in Your Big Mouth
35. No Way Out
36. Petrify
37. (rofl omg overused word lol)
38. Proved Nothing
39. R.A.M.O.N
40. Regression of the Nation
41. R.H.U.M
42. Shit Breathe
43. Stirring False Philosophy
44. Symphony of Death
45. ...Too Suffering
46. Tortured Remains
47. Victims of Ambitions
48. V.O.D.K.A
49. Where Do We Go
50. Who Says We're Drunk
51. We're Not **f*ck** Drunk
Origin: Philippines (Manila)
Genre: Grindcore
Bitrate: 320kbps
Password: pinoymetal
Thanks Thy Shadow for the Upload
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